
the romantic信息详情

the romantic发音





romantic life───浪漫生活

romantic crown───浪漫的王冠

hopeless romantic───无可救药的浪漫

romantic period───浪漫主义时期

romantic week───浪漫的一周

romantic dinner───浪漫的晚餐

romantic time───浪漫时光

cureless romantic───无药可救的浪漫


This capacity for increased expressiveness, in fact, was essential to the Romantic style that dominated 19th century music.───事实上,这种更高级别的表现力对于主导19世纪音乐的浪漫主义风格来说是必不可少的。

After a while, I heard no more of the romantic-sounding Italians.───一会儿,我再也听不到意大利人浪漫的声音了。

Tom hailed the romantic outcast, “Hello, Huckleberry!”───汤姆向那个浪漫的流浪儿打招呼:“你好,哈克贝利!”

How will you find out for yourself the truth of the matter, not all the romantic values, you know all that stuff, I don’t have to.───你要怎样自己去发现这件事情的真相,而不是所有那些价值观,你知道那些东西,我不会详细说那些。

The Romantic Movement was already underfoot in Europe, as men began to look for a warmer, more involved "God. "───(注:这是自然神论的观念)浪漫主义运动在欧洲已经式微,人们开始寻找一个较有感情,较参与人类事务的「神」。

A beautiful agreement is the beginning of a romantic story. A romantic mood, still can rock out on the romantic flowers.───一个美丽的约定,是一个浪漫故事的开始。有一个浪漫的心情,石头上照样可以开出浪漫的花朵。

While we’re not quite ready to give up on the romantic ideal, the book did get us thinking about why a woman chooses a particular mate.───虽然我们并不准备放弃对浪漫的理想,这本书也让我们思考为什么一个女人选择这个特定的伴侣。

The day turned out overcast and windy, and secretly Hanfeng hoped that the wind would not die down, so they could forgo the romantic walk.───瀚峰私下希望风不要停下来,那样就不至于再去进行这浪漫的散步了。

As I said in the book, I’m talking about the kind of love that shows itself through actions, not the romantic kind.───就象我在那本书中所说的那样,我讨论的那种爱是通过行动表现出来的,不是浪漫的那种。


He’s often bracketed with the romantic poets of this period although this does not reflect the range of his work.

The romantic act has passed her by.

The macho male, the business man, the romantic.

There are many parallels between Yeats and the Romantic poets.

She was suddenly aware of the romantic spark between them.

Hugh Grant stars as the romantic hero.

It was hardly the romantic image of red deer!

He was hopelessly miscast as the romantic hero.

The Romantic writers valued feeling above all else.