
pleosphaerulina sojaecola是什么意思 pleosphaerulina sojaecola的中文翻译、读音

pleosphaerulina sojaecola的中文解释是”野大豆生格孢球腔菌”,还有野大豆生格孢球腔菌的意思,读音为[pleosphaerulinasojaecola],pleosphaerulina sojaecola来源于英语,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到68个与pleosphaerulina sojaecola相关的例句。

Pleosphaerulina sojaecola的翻译


例句:Leo Katcher for The Eddy Duchin Story, (Leo Katcher for The Eddy Duchin Story,)


pleosphaerulina sojaecola一般作为名词使用,如在pleosphaerulina glycines(大豆格孢球腔菌)、pleosphaerulina phaseolina(菜豆格孢球腔菌)等常见短语中出现较多。

pleosphaerulina glycines 大豆格孢球腔菌
pleosphaerulina phaseolina 菜豆格孢球腔菌


1. – I am whether you like it or not. (翻译:- 你高不高兴我都要来. – Lina:)

2. Creating actual source code out of a Leo project, or importing it thereto, is done by tangling and untangling the project. (翻译:可以通过tangling和untangling工程来在Leo工程外部创建实际的源代码,或者将其导入到Leo工程。)

3. I’m Detective Aidan Black, this is Leo Beckett. (翻译:this is Leo Beckett.)

4. April Carver to see Leo Hendrie. (翻译:April Carver to see Leo Hendrie. April Carver 来看 Leo Hendrie)

5. Leo Corrigan, Pops’ right hand man. (翻译:Leo Corrigan, 鲍勃的心腹.)

6. objective: Compare of contents of polysaccharides from Semen Sojae Preparatum, black soybean and yellow soybean. (翻译:目的:比较三种淡豆豉、黑大豆和黄大豆中多糖含量。)

7. Kukushkin was A disinformation agent Sent to frame Leo, And Leo is innocent. (翻译:那么库库什金给我们的就是假情报 目的是陷害里奥)

8. – What do you mean by that? (翻译:- 这是什么意思? – 他妻子Lina – What do you mean by that?)

9. Because if Leo was missing… if Leo was missing, I’d be out there, (翻译:因为如果Leo不见了 如果他不见了 我会在外面)

10. He was prompting me to fight for Leo, to pray for Leo, and I refused. (翻译:他让我为里奥而战 为里奥而祈祷 而我拒绝了)

11. Miss Lina, what if that collapses the tunnel? (翻译:莉娜,你这样乱来 会把地下道全部弄崩塌的啊, 到时候怎么办?)

12. And we found Hercules and Leo. (翻译:然后我们发现了Hercules和Leo )

13. And, Leo, that is disgusting! (翻译:还有, Leo, 那很恶心! And, Leo, that is disgusting!)

14. So Dex drops Leo off last night, and he says he doesn’t want me buying Leo any more “Spider-man” stuff ’cause it’s too violent. (翻译:这么说Dex昨晚送Leo回来 然后他说不想让我再给Leo买蜘蛛侠玩具了 因为太暴力了)

15. It’s Poppy’s favorite, it’s P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P- (翻译:这是我最喜欢的水果, 水果丕丕… …)