
oriental la是什么意思 oriental la的中文翻译、读音、例句

oriental la通常被翻译为”青金石”的意思,还有青金石的意思,单词读音音标为[orientalla],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到98个与oriental la相关的例句。

Oriental la的词典翻译


例句:I present to you Professor Giuseppe Tucci from the Oriental Institute in Rome. (这位是杰西坡·图西教授 来自罗马东方文化研究院)


oriental la一般作为名词使用,如在la([医] 石)、la lazuli(天青石 )、false la(天蓝石)等常见短语中出现较多。

la [医] 石
la lazuli 天青石
false la 天蓝石
German la 德国青金石
la albus [化] 天然氟硅酸钙\n[医] 白石(硅氟化钙)
la amiridis [化] 刚玉粉
la calaminaris [化] 异极矿\n[医] 炉甘石, 异极石
la causticus [化] 熔融氢氧化钠或钾\n[医] 熔凝碳酸钾
la chloriti [医] 青礞石


1. This vision was made more unusual by the oriental garb the man was wearing. (翻译:那个男人身着东方服饰 这使他显得更为不寻常)

2. As the token of Buddhist wisdom, Manjusri is the symbol of Oriental wisdom. (翻译:表征了智慧的核心,乃东方智慧的象征。)

3. The Oriental style bed was a gift from Prince Scotto. (翻译:东方风格的床进贡自 Centurione Scotto王子.)

4. Orie Meral is the franchise jade jewelry line, Jade, has a deep texture since ancient times , diffuse out of the oriental culture scenery of the gas, with “Oriental emerald” in the world. (翻译:东方御翠是专营翡翠的珠宝行,翡翠,自古以来就拥有深邃晶莹的质地,弥漫出东方文化的灵秀之气,有着着“东方绿宝石”的美誉。)

5. He said he bought the statuette from an unidentified Oriental in Hong Kong. (翻译:他说他在香港的某个东方人手上 买到了这个雕像)

6. That’s from a book on Oriental philosophy I read in the joint. (翻译:那是我在牢里 从一本东方哲学的书中学来的)

7. They are mainly distributed in the palaearctic, nearctic, oriental, ethiopian region. (翻译:他们主要分布在古北区、东洋区、新北区和非洲区。)

8. The floor was overlaid with rugs of oriental design. (翻译:地板上覆盖着东方图案的地毯。)

9. My teacher, my friend, the greatest living oriental dancer (翻译:我的恩师… 我的挚友… 硕果仅存最伟大的肚皮舞舞娘)

10. But it is true that the Oriental races are known for their barbarity and their slavish devotion to their senses. (翻译:-哦,得了,尼阿克斯 这不是今天的话题 不过东方民族的确以他们的野蛮)

11. They beat preexisting Oriental empires like the Mughals and the Ottomans. (翻译:之前建立的东方帝国被打败了 例如莫卧儿帝国和奥斯曼帝国)

12. There were Oriental carpets on the floors. (翻译:地板上铺着东方的地毯。)

13. To an Oriental, all American women are beautiful blondes. (翻译:在东方人眼里 所有的美国女人都是漂亮的金发)

14. Hakka Ground Tea, Oriental Beauty Tea and Mochi are our specialties. (翻译:我们主要的特色产品是客家擂茶、东方美人茶和麻糬。)

15. The traditional Chinese haboku and oriental sketching language coexist in the painting. (翻译:借鉴中国传统的泼墨技法和西洋素描语言的结合。)