satisfyingextremely是什么意思 satisfyingextremely的中文翻译、读音、例句
例句:It was extremely presumptuous of me. (这真是太冒昧了 It was extremely presumptuous of me.)
例句:Mr Brown, that is extremely rude. (布朗先生 这是非常粗鲁的 Mr Brown, that is extremely rude.)
1. Charles is extremely careful. (翻译:Charles极度谨慎 不过我们有了新的切入点)
2. She became extremely confused. (翻译:她感到极度困惑 {\fntahoma\fs9\bord0\1cH00FFFF\b0}She became extremely confused.)
3. I think this is extremely unwise. (翻译:我认为这是极端不明智的。)
4. One extremely illegal hack in T-minus now. (翻译:タ獶猭献T -minus One extremely illegal hack in T -minus now.)
5. The rich volcanic soils are extremely fertile. (翻译:富饶的火山土十分肥沃 {\3cH202020}The rich volcanic soils are extremely fertile.)
6. I know, but the cage is extremely big. (翻译:我知道,但这个箱子也非常非常大 I know, but the cage is extremely big.)
7. – And extremely well-preserved. (翻译:- And extremely well -preserved.)
8. So really, just an amazing image, slowed down extremely, to extremely slow speeds. (翻译:确实,这是一个令人惊异的影像。非常慢的下降,非常低的速度。)
9. More importantly, whatever he was struck with must have been extremely heavy. (翻译:frame and all? 砸他的东西肯定非常沉 {\3cH202020}whatever he was struck with must have been extremely heavy.)
10. I stype which I likes, I also can to you extremely, extremely good! (翻译:是我喜欢的类型,我也会对你非常,非常好的! )
11. Unless they told you something different, then I was doing that. (翻译:那以他们的为准 then I was doing that. 哦 拜托 那个借口 Oh, come on. That excuse was less satisfying)
12. Paul was extremely generous and so was Nigel (翻译:如果他们掌握了事实 If they had all the facts,)
13. So really, just an amazing image, slowed down extremely, to extremely slow speeds. (翻译:确实,这是一个令人惊异的影像。非常慢的下降,非常低的速度。)
14. He was extremely nervous and extremely jealous and he covered his nervous jealousy with an ebullient friendliness. (翻译:他惶恐不安,嫉妒万分,然而,他却摆出热情友善的姿态来掩饰不安的嫉忌心理。)
15. Nekurogedoro react extremely to drugs! (翻译:Nekurogedoro 对化学药品有强烈的反应)