
other world信息详情

other world发音





other worlds───其他世界


nether world───n.阴间,地狱


nether worlds───n.阴间,地狱



lower world───n.地狱;阴间;地球尘世;黄泉;人间



Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journery to the other world.───数千只灯笼慢慢向大海漂去,给死人返回阴间指明道路.

Products can be equipped with Audi, BMW, Mercedes – Benz and other world – renowned brand vehicles.───产品可以配备奥迪 、 宝马 、 奔驰等多种世界知名品牌汽车.

I don’t envy the young ones who’ve become TV superstars and know no other world.───我不羡慕那些成为电视超级明星而对其他世界一无所知的年轻人。

Sa Chen, Zhang Hao – chen , and other world – class piano talents emerging on the international contest.───陈萨 、 张昊辰 等国际一流钢琴人才,在国际大赛上崭露头角.

I shall weep too on hearing you crying when I am in the other world.───吾居九泉之下遥闻汝哭声,当哭相和也.

As for beauty, it always leads ” life ” to the other world of nothingness with its terrifying exquisiteness.───至于 “ 美 ”, 则总是以其恐怖的美把生带到虚无的彼岸.

Global Financial Crisis Hits Banks in London, Other World Markets.───金融危机击倒英国大银行威胁世界.

Mr. Rudd will join other world leaders at APEC summit in Peru Saturday and Sunday.───星期六和星期天,陆克文将和其他领导人一起出席在秘鲁举行亚太经合组织峰会.

They will live happily until the day they have to leave for the other world.───他们会快乐地生活,直到一天,他们要离开,为其他世界.

Not Heaven,” I say. “the other world.”───不是天堂,”我说,“是另一个世界。”

Now suppose, per reductio , an unlimited being exists in some other world W ”.───现在想, 每reductio, 一无限是在一些另外的世界W''存在.

She believes that she will meet her dead parents the other world.───她相信她会与她死去的父母在阴间重逢.

They will live happily until the day they have to leave the other world.───他们将愉快地居住直到他们离开.

I don’t envy the young ones who’ve become TV superstars and know no other world.───我不羡慕那些成为超级电视明星,对其他却一无所知的年轻人。

To the other world. To where they are.───通向另一个世界,通向他们在的地方。

As for beauty, it always leads life the other world of nothingness with its terrifying exquisiteness.───至于“美”, 则总是以其恐怖的美把生带到虚无的彼岸.


And it has attracted at least one other world class athlete, double gold medalist American swimmer Ryan Lochte.

The study of other world faiths is an important part of religious education.

The other world record of the night went to Cameron van der Burgh who set a new best in his 50m breaststroke semi-final.

Why here, why Stalinvast, and not some other world?

I, along with many other world leaders, have embraced that goal, and will actively pursue it through non-military means.

If your Riches are yours , why don’t you take them with you to the other world

But that “other world” is well concealed from man, that dehumanised, inhuman world, which is a celestial naught; and the bowels of existence do not speak unto man, except as man.

I don’t envy the young ones who’ve become TV superstars and know no other world.

What of that other world, the world of the distant past that now lies beneath our feet?