
license number信息详情

license number发音





license numbers───牌照号码;登记号码

licence number───牌照号码

licence numbers───牌照号码

Vickers number───维氏数

Vickers numbers───维氏数

amicable number───相亲数

cetane number───十六烷值增进剂


food operation approval is cancelled then the license number is prohibited from being used again.───食品经营许可被注销的,许可证编号不得再次使用。

Operator: I also need your License number.───接线生: 我需要您的驾照号码.

And purchases time may the arbitrary selection body color and the license number.───并且购车时可以任意选择车身颜色和车牌号码.

How awkward! Do you still remember the license number? You can report this man to the police department.───真糟糕!你还记得车牌号码?你可以向警局报告。

If the export license is required, fill in the license number.───如果需要出口许可证, 填写许可证号.

They think I am giving you my name, address, license number and insurance company.───他们以为我会留下姓名 、 地址 、 执照号码和保险公司名称.

Please call your system administrator to obtain a unique license number.───请与系统管理员联系,获取一份唯一的许可证号码.

What is your car license number?───你的汽车执照号是 多少 ?

The license number of the car that hit you.───要记下撞你的那辆车的车牌号码.

Jot down his license number.───记下那个人的牌照号码!

I need your license number, home address and date of its issue.───我需要你的驾照号码, 住址及发照日.

By looking up the vehicle license number ‘Zhejiang A608Z0’, netizens suspected that on November 30, 2008, this was the “modified race car practicing drifting near the supermarket on Jianguobei Road.”───根据车牌号‘浙A608Z0’,网民们怀疑该肇事车辆就是2008年11月30日在建国北路乐购超市附近练习“漂移”的那辆改装赛车。

Is my car ready yet ? The license number is 55555.───我的车修好了么? 牌照是55555.

Have you got the license number of the car?───您记下那辆车的车牌号了 吗 ?

I’ll write down your license number and make complaints.───我要把你的车牌号码写下来,去投诉你.
