megagrowth是什么意思 megagrowth的中文翻译、读音、例句
例句:She’ll meet you at Mega Mountain at the main gate. (珍妮佛打电话来说,她将在兆山的大门口等你。)
例句:cancer,dance,music,performance,personal growth,storytelling (cancer,dance,music,performance,personal growth,storytelling)
1. The growth patterns are normal. (翻译:生长速度如常,完全没有受到影响 The growth patterns are normal.)
2. About the exponential growth of internet start-ups and the consequent effect on… (翻译:是关于网络的崛起和指数型增长… About the exponential growth of internet start -ups…)
3. We call it a mega-maser. (翻译:我们叫它巨型脉泽。)
4. And what is interesting is that that produces in a way perhaps the ultimate mega-building. (翻译:有趣的是,结果将产生一个 最终极的巨型建筑。)
:// (翻译://
6. It’s not stupid! It gets rid of sharp edges! – And the tuna! (翻译:让我们通过互动的对话, 来促进个人的成长 for some real personal growth through active dialogue.)
:// (翻译://
8. Got ourselves a real growth industry here in Gotham. (翻译:Got ourselves a real growth industry here in Gotham.)
9. art,history,performance,personal growth (翻译:art,history,performance,personal growth)
10. See, I have a three-day Max-Growth rule. (翻译:看,我有一个三天的max -growth规则。)
11. Mega Channel 32.73% Bobolas family – constructions 22.11% Stavros Psicharis – publishing (翻译:Mega频道 32.73% Bobolas家族 – 建筑业 22.11% Stavros Psicharis)
12. This is the first wind farm in the 10 gigawatt mega-project. (翻译:这是这个10吉瓦风电项目的首个风电场。)
13. personal growth,self,storytelling,success (翻译:personal growth,self,storytelling,success)
14. Actuarial sciences are experiencing a tremendous growth as well. (翻译:精算学也发展迅猛 Actuarial sciences are experiencing a tremendous growth as well.)
15. But we still look at technology as top-down mega-projects. (翻译:们在科技领域还是坚守了自上而下的原则)