
nectria durantae是什么意思 nectria durantae的中文翻译、读音、例句

nectria durantae通常被翻译为”金露花丛赤壳菌”的意思,其次还有”金露花丛赤壳菌”的意思,读音为[nectriadurantae],nectria durantae来源于英语,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到13个与nectria durantae相关的例句。

Nectria durantae的翻译


例句:Easy Red, Easy Red. Easy Six. Over. (红E 红E 这里是E6 完毕 这是E6 红E请讲)


nectria durantae一般作为名词使用,如在Nectria([医] 丛赤壳属)、pulvinaria durantae(金露绵介壳虫)、nectria citri(柑橘丛赤壳菌)等常见短语中出现较多。

Nectria [医] 丛赤壳属
pulvinaria durantae 金露绵介壳虫
nectria citri 柑橘丛赤壳菌
nectria citricola 柑橘生丛赤壳菌
nectria diversispora 多型孢丛赤壳菌
nectria elephantopi 毛莲叶丛赤壳菌
nectria flammea 焰红丛赤壳菌
nectria haematococca 红球丛赤壳菌
nectria pterospermi 翅子树丛赤壳菌


1. United midfielder Chris Eagles will spend the next four months overseas after signing for NEC Nijmegen on loan. (翻译:曼联中场球员伊格斯已经租借到NEC奈梅亨,为期四个月。)

2. And while I think Secretary Durant would be a wonderful woman for the job, (翻译:虽然我认为杜兰特国务卿 会是这项工作的好人选)

3. The Seattle Supersonics’ Kevin Durant returned to the No. 1 position. (翻译:西雅图超音速队的凯文·杜兰特回到榜首。)

4. Say that name. “Catherine Durant.” Say it over and over. (翻译:念出那个名字 Catherine Durant)

5. In the Western music tradition, pitches are named after the first seven letters of the alphabet, A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. (翻译:D, E, F, 和G。此后,就循环: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, 等等。)

6. FA and TRIA could increase the content of chlorophyll. (翻译:旱地龙和三十烷醇可提高叶绿素含量。)

7. Collecting input from both business and academia is crucial for the head of the NEC, he said. (翻译:斯蒂格利茨说,同时搜集商界和学界的想法,对于国家经济委员会主任来说是至关重要的。)

8. Currently many fish populations in Trias waters are declining, a situation blamed on pollution. (翻译:当前Tria水域的很多种鱼类数量都在下降,这种现象被认为是污染造成的。)

9. As for benchmarks, the TPC-E record is now held by NEC using 8 Intel Xeon processors. (翻译:在基准测试中,TPC-E记录由使用8个英特尔Xeon处理器的NEC保持。)

10. The Marine sanctuary on Tria Island was established to protect certain Marine mammals. (翻译:Tria岛的海洋生物禁猎区是用来保护某些海洋哺乳动物的。)

11. Catherine Durant is the meal. (翻译:Catherine Durant才是主菜)

12. Secretary Durant acted on instructions that came directly from me. (翻译:Secretary Durant 是按照我的指令行事 acted on instructions that came directly from me.)

13. Our guys come back from Japan with this NEC and it’s loaded with Microsoft programs. (翻译:我们的人从日本,带回来这台NEC 它装满微软的程序,你们微软的程序)

14. I encourage everyone, including Texas, to vote for Secretary Durant. (翻译:我鼓励所有人 也包括德州人 给杜兰特国务卿投票)

15. NEC Corp and Tyco Telecommunications have been jointly awarded the contract to implement the cable project, SingTel said. (翻译:新加坡电信表示,日本NEC和泰科电讯已联手获得兴建这条海底光缆的合约。)