
outfall losses是什么意思 outfall losses的中文翻译、读音、例句

outfall losses的中文解释是”跌水损失”,其次还有”跌水损失”的意思,发音是[outfalllosses],outfall losses来源于英语,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到68个与outfall losses相关的例句。

Outfall losses的翻译


例句:This is going to create more cost to society and more losses. (这将会为社会发展增加更多成本、带来更大损失。)


outfall losses一般作为名词使用,如在outfall(排水口 )、losses(n. 损失;损耗(loss的复数))、discharge outfall(水口,排出口)等常见短语中出现较多。

outfall 排水口
losses n. 损失;损耗(loss的复数)
discharge outfall 水口,排出口
free outfall 自由出入的河口
marine outfall 海流出口;出海口
ocean outfall 入海河口
outfall buoy 河口浮标
outfall ditch 水沟
outfall fan 河口冲积扇;河口扇形地;冲积扇


1. Master, all the wins and losses will be donated to charity tonight (翻译:师傅 今天所有无论输赢 都会作为慈善捐赠)

2. Mixed economy: 50% of profits for you, and losses for all. (翻译:经济就是这么回事: 对你, 对所有的人都一样)

3. A few hundred billion dollars of losses in the financial sector cascaded into five trillion dollars of losses in world GDP and almost $30 trillion losses in the global stock market. (翻译:金融行业损失了数千亿美元, 全球GDP损失了5万亿美元, 全球股市亏损了近30万亿美元。)

4. The expenses and losses thus entailed shall be borne by the liquidator. (翻译:由此产生的费用和损失,由清算人承担和赔偿。)

5. Tomorrow we might suffer greater losses! (翻译:明天,这样的失败将会轮到你们 还有你们!)

6. Bosses piled on the agony with threats of more job losses. (翻译:老板威胁要削减更多的员工,令情况更加恶化。)

7. For workers, the shutdowns and job losses are devastating. (翻译:对于工人来说,停产和裁员是灾难性的。)

8. Where defrauding of a client causes losses to the client, the wrongdoer shall be held liable for the losses pursuant to law. (翻译:欺诈客户行为给客户造成损失的,行为人应当依法承担赔偿责任。)

9. The company endured heavy financial losses. (翻译:公司承受了沉重的财务损失。)

10. Najarian said, credit losses are likely to decline. (翻译:纳加里安先生说,信用丢失可能正在下降。)

11. Remember: these are unrealized losses. (翻译:记住:这些都是未实现亏损。)

12. Let’s see, my losses for the afternoon come to what? (翻译:我不是来说这无稽的话 我来是因为我担心你有麻烦)

13. The outfall of Wangjiagang oil producing wastewater disposal plant was the worst in the five outfalls of Shengli oil filed. (翻译:首站污水排放口是胜利油田五个外排口中水质最恶劣的一个口。)

14. The Seller shall, after taking the remedial measures hereinabove, compensate for the losses, if the Buyer suffers from other losses. (翻译:在卖方采取上述措施后,买方还有其他损失的,卖方仍应赔偿损失。)

15. They are trying to recoup themselves for their losses. (翻译:他们正在设法挽回他们的损失。)