oosporeina是什么意思 oosporeina的读音、翻译、用法
1. Oosporeina yukselii是一种新发现的腐生真菌,其孢子形态独特。
(Oosporeina yukselii is a newly discovered saprophytic fungus, and its spore morphology is unique.)
2. 水藻的复合体是由两个细胞颗粒大小的结合体形成的,它们可以产生孢子。
(The algae’s plasmalemma is formed by the combination of two cells of granule size, which can produce oospores.)
3. 霆颈霉属于真菌门,其瘤孢子和孢子是其最为显著的特征。
(Mucor is a member of the fungi kingdom, and its chlamydospores and oospores are its most notable features.)
4. 孢子是某些鞭毛虫的一种性孢子,它可以在宿主体内迅速膨胀发育。
(Oospores are a kind of ual spore of some flagellates, which can quickly expand and develop in the host body.)
5. 原生动物的孢子能够在水中生存几个月的时间,这是一种非常适合长途传播的繁殖策略。
(Protozoa’s oospores can survive in water for several months, which is a very suitable reproductive strategy for long-distance transmission.)
6. 覆盖在水莲属植物叶面的小白点其实是一些孢子,它们会孵化出新的藻体细胞。
(The small white spots covering the suce of water lilies are actually some oospores, which will hatch into new algal cells.)
7. 真菌中的孢子通常是圆形或椭圆形的,直径一般在50-200微米之间。
(The oospores in fungal reproduction are usually circular or elliptical, with a diameter between 50-200 microns.)
8. 水红藻孢子的孵化需要温度、光照强度、光周期等多种条件的协调。
(The hatching of oospores in red algae requires the coordination of multiple conditions such as temperature, light intensity, and light cycle.)
9. 菌丝壳属生物在环境中孵化出的孢子是其繁殖的主要手段之一。
(Oospores hatching from fungi in the environment are one of the main means of their reproduction.)