
moczek是什么意思 moczek的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:LD, MOC, MD, logged and approved. (源教大师 医学博士 兰卡斯特·多德记录并批准)


例句:When adding ZFX to your polish, simply invert the bottle, and let the drops gently trickle out. (当您将Z – FX加入至封体剂时,请简单的将Z – FX的瓶子倒置让Z – FX缓慢的滴出。)


1. – N. TERENTYEvA Akulina – Z. RUPASOvA (翻译:- 诺·捷连季耶娃 阿库琳娜 – 卓·鲁帕索娃)

2. z I do F dot n. That just gives me the z component which might involve x, y and z. (翻译:把F和n做内积,于是得到,它由x,y,z组成。)

3. Use of DB2 for z/OS 7.1 sysplex data sharing (翻译:将 DB2 用于 z/OS 7.1 Sysplex 数据共享 )

4. And I think it’s particularly painful for us now in the West in the grips of what I sometimes think of as a Control-Z culture — Control-Z like the computer command, undo. (翻译:我想这对于西方人来说 这种Control-Z文化是 无比痛苦的- Control-Z就是电脑键盘上的命令 撤消 )

5. The US government’s decision violated the WTO rules and is an abuse of trade remedy measures, MOC spokesman Yao Jian said. (翻译:新闻发言人姚坚指出,美方相关措施是违背世贸组织规则、滥用贸易救济措施的错误做法。)

6. The equation is hidden there, z goes into z squared, plus c. (翻译:公式就隐藏在那里, z等于 z的 平方加c。)

7. Hey, then look up this one 0.r.g.a.i.z.e (翻译:喂 查查这个 o r g a n i z e)

8. And he was a member of Vory v zakone. (翻译:并且他是Vory z zakone组织的成员)

9. You used Jay-Z and Beyonce’s matching his and hers bidets? (翻译:你用了Jay -Z和Beyonce的情侣浴盆?)

10. The criticism of Z Hedge Fund is completely unfounded. (翻译:我觉得现在外面对之墓金的纰评 完全是无的放矢)

11. Z, Y, X, W, V, U, T, S, R, Q, P (翻译:Z,Y,X,W,V,U,T,S,R,Q,P)

12. This two-stage process can be combined by submitting to the MOC a signed technology import contract with an application for import permit. (翻译:上述两步程序也可合并进行,即向提交已签署的技术引进协议和引进许可申请书。)

13. 3DPS is more precise than GPS and works on a Z-axis. (翻译:3DPS 比 GPS更为精确,并且可在Z轴向工作.)

14. And Phil, you stop me when I come to an X, a Z, or a full stop. (翻译:菲尔, 当我点到X, Z, 或者句号时就叫停我)

15. If I may, protocol would be to zigzag, sir. (翻译:我的建议是,战舰可以采取Z字形航行,长官)