
Elasmobranchii是什么意思 Elasmobranchii的读音、翻译、用法



1. Elasmobranchii是一类经常被误解的动物群体,但它们对海洋的生态系统做出了重要的贡献。

(Elasmobranchii is a group of animals that are often misunderstood, but they play an important role in the marine ecosystem.)

2. Elasmobranchii的外部特征包括成对的鳃裂、鳞片皮肤和尖锐的齿齿。

(External features of Elasmobranchii include paired gill slits, scales, and sharp tooth-like structures.)

3. Elasmobranchii占据了大量的食物链,并保持着海洋生态系统的平衡。

(Elasmobranchii occupy a significant amount of the food chain and maintain balance within marine ecosystems.)

4. Elasmobranchii的种类复杂丰富,包括来自全球各地的数百种不同品种。

(Elasmobranchii is a diverse group with hundreds of different species from around the world.)

5. 由于过度捕捞和栖息地丧失等原因,一些Elasmobranchii种群正面临灭绝的危险。

(Due to overfishing and habitat loss, some Elasmobranchii populations are at risk of extinction.)

6. Elasmobranchii对海洋生态系统具有直接和间接的影响,例如控制中级消费者的数量。

(Elasmobranchii have direct and indirect effects on marine ecosystems, such as controlling the number of intermediate consumers.)

7. Elasmobranchii种类的不同生活史和行为习惯使得它们需要不同类型的保护和管理策略。

(Different life histories and behaviors among Elasmobranchii species require varying types of conservation and management strategies.)

8. 鲨鱼和其他Elasmobranchii是海洋生态系统中含硫气体产生的主要来源。

(Sharks and other Elasmobranchii are a major source of sulfide gas production in marine ecosystems.)

9. Elasmobranchii为科学研究提供了一个重要的模型,以便更好地了解海洋生态系统的功能和互动。

(Elasmobranchii provide an important model for scientific research to better understand the function and interactions of marine ecosystems.)