
Heteranthera是什么意思 Heteranthera的读音、翻译、用法



1. Heteranthera zosterifolia是一种适合于水族箱的水生植物。

(Heteranthera zosterifolia is an aquatic plant suitable for the aquarium.)

2. Heteranthera reniformis具有光滑的、肉质的叶子。

(Heteranthera reniformis has smooth, fleshy leaves.)

3. 我们可以在花卉店购买’Heteranthera’作为鱼缸的装饰植物。

(We can buy Heteranthera as a decorative plant for the aquarium at the flower shop.)

4. 我们需要在清水中洗涤’Heteranthera’,然后将其添加到水族箱中。

(We need to rinse the Heteranthera in clean water before adding it to the aquarium.)

5. Heteranthera dubia的花朵有不同的颜色和形状。

(The flowers of Heteranthera dubia have different colors and shapes.)

6. Heteranthera zosteraefolia可以增加水族箱的氧气含量。

(Heteranthera zosteraefolia can increase the oxygen level in the aquarium.)

7. Heteranthera reniformis适合在温和的水中生长。

(Heteranthera reniformis is suitable for growth in moderate water.)

8. 我们可以在这个网站上找到’Heteranthera’的种植指南。

(We can find the growing guide of Heteranthera on this website.)

9. Heteranthera zosterifolia是一种非常常见的水族箱植物。

(Heteranthera zosterifolia is a very common aquatic plant for the aquarium.)