Tephritidae是什么意思 Tephritidae的读音、翻译、用法
1. Tephritidae是一种昆虫,由于它们会危害果树,因此被认为是农业上的害虫。(中文翻译:Tephritidae is an insect and is considered a pest in agriculture due to their harm to fruit trees.)
2. Tephritidae属于真蝇目,与果实密切相关。(中文翻译:Tephritidae belongs to the order Diptera and is closely related to fruits.)
3. 研究果蝇科的分布和寄主范围对果树园的管理和防治非常重要。(中文翻译:Studying the distribution and host range of Tephritidae is crucial for the management and control of fruit orchards.)
4. Tephritidae的种类非常多,它们都有着不同的外观和特性。(中文翻译:There are many species of Tephritidae, each with different appearances and characteristics.)
5. 鉴定果蝇科的生命周期和行为特性是决定防治策略的关键因素。(中文翻译: Identifying the life cycle and behavioral characteristics of Tephritidae is a key factor in determining control strategies.)
6. Tephritidae有时通过人类的运输方式传播到新的地区,导致新的害虫问题。(中文翻译:Tephritidae is sometimes spread to new areas through human transportation, causing new pest problems.)
7. 作为真蝇类昆虫, Tephritidae吸食果汁,可能会使果实腐烂和减少产量。(中文翻译:As a type of Dipteran insect, Tephritidae feeds on fruit juice, which can cause fruit rot and reduce yield.)
8. 鉴定果蝇科的基因组特征可为生物防治提供新的思路和方法。(中文翻译:Identifying the genomic characteristics of Tephritidae can provide new ideas and methods for biological control.)
9. Tephritidae已经成为全世界许多国家的害虫之一,需要采取有效的防治措施。(中文翻译: Tephritidae has become one of the pests in many countries around the world, and effective control measures need to be taken.)