photointelligence是什么意思 photointelligence的中文翻译、读音、例句
英语四六级 •
例句:The plane delays, plugging s ocial media, Toohey rushes back from Japan, (防御和情报部门都在行动室… Defense and Intelligence in the situation room…)
1. It was simply a statement of fact. (翻译:仅仅是陈述事实 It was simply a statement of fact. 我的智商经历了客观测量 My intelligence has been objectively measured.)
2. [whispers] find out the real answer to that question. (翻译:照片里的小伙子是谁 Who is the young fellow in the photo,)
3. When it’s off, they’re not. (翻译:这张照片是你们行动前一天拍的 This photo was taken the day of your raid.)
4. I don’t want a picture of me marrying ketchups. (翻译:听着 留着你的照片吧 Look, keep the photo.)