
Bethesda是什么意思 Bethesda的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Bethesda hospital has been providing free medical services to the poor for over 100 years.(Bethesda医院已经为贫困人群提供免费医疗服务超过xx年了。)

2. The Bethesda pool in Jerusalem is believed to have healing powers.(据信位于耶路撒冷的Bethesda水池具有治愈能力。)

3. The Bethesda community center offers various programs and activities for local residents.(Bethesda社区中心为当地居民提供各种项目和活动。)

4. The Bethesda Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of disadvantaged children.(Bethesda基金会致力于改善贫困儿童的生活。)

5. The Bethesda Fountain in New York’s Central Park is a popular tourist attraction.(纽约中央公园的Bethesda喷泉是一个受欢迎的旅游景点。)

6. The Bethesda Terrace is a beautiful spot for picnics and gatherings.(Bethesda露台是一个美丽的野餐和聚会场所。)

7. The Bethesda Mission provides food and shelter to the homeless population.(Bethesda救援站为无家可归的人提供食物和住所。)

8. The Bethesda Blues and Jazz Supper Club is a popular venue for live music performances.(Bethesda蓝调和爵士是一个受欢迎的现场音乐表演场所。)

9. The Bethesda-by-the-Sea Ecopal Church is a historic landmark in Palm Beach, Florida.(佛罗里达州棕榈滩的Bethesda-by-the-Sea圣公会教堂是一个历史名胜。)