odd color是什么意思 odd color的中文翻译、读音、例句
odd color在英语中代表”色、毛”的意思,在英美地区还有”杂”的意思,发音音标为[oddcolor],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到35个与odd color相关的例句。
Odd color的中文翻译
例句:We could color our friends. (我们能为我们的朋友上色 We could color our friends.)
例句:I sense judgment, which is odd. You’re the one that wanted me to own a bar. (你对我不满 奇怪了 I sense judgment, which is odd.)
例句:You led him to Color City? (You led him to Color City?)
odd color一般作为名词使用,如在odd odd(adj. 奇奇的)、odd(①古怪的②奇数的 )、the odd([网络] 奇怪型;临时的;单数的)等常见短语中出现较多。
odd odd | adj. 奇奇的 |
odd | ①古怪的②奇数的 |
the odd | [网络] 奇怪型;临时的;单数的 |
odd odd nucleus | 奇奇核 |
color | 颜色 |
in color | [网络] 内装颜色;彩色的;色系 |
of color | [网络] 颜色和悦 |
even odd | [计] 偶-奇的 |
odd and curious | [网络] 古里古怪 |
1. You led him to Color City? (翻译:You led him to Color City?)
2. I know this is going to seem like an odd question, but… (翻译:我知道这个问题可能很唐突 可是 I know this is going to seem like an odd question, but…)
3. Height, eye color, that kind of thing? (翻译:eye color that kind of thing?)
4. That is a gorgeous color on you, by the way. (翻译:顺便 你穿这个颜色很好看 That is a gorgeous color on you, by the way.)
5. If you could see your color next to this child’s. (翻译:if you can see your color next to this child)
6. What color were the drugs you took? (翻译:你吸的是什么颜色? What color were the drugs you took?)
7. Just a couple of odd points. (翻译:都是些小问题 小问题 Just a couple of odd points.)
8. ♪ Till the color of our skin, ♪ (翻译:? ? Till the color of our skin, ?)
9. You truly are the Hero of Color City. (翻译:你真的是颜色城英雄 You truly are the Hero of Color City.)
10. You can color more tomorrow. (翻译:你可以明天上色 You can color more tomorrow.)
11. Every possible property that color can have. (翻译:颜色具有的每种特性 Every possible property that color can have.)
12. theres something odd about this village, the people seem very odd and distant. (翻译:这个村子怪怪的。这的人很奇怪,也很冷漠)
13. Was there anything odd about that picture? (翻译:这张照片有什么异常的地方吗 Was there anything odd about that picture?)
14. Right now all three piles are odd, but you get to add an egg to one color, which means that it’ll be even and the other two will be odd. (翻译:目前三堆蛋都是奇数 , 但你要加一枚某个颜色的蛋, 三堆蛋数量变成一偶、两奇。)
15. This is an odd conjunction. (翻译:这是一个奇怪的组合。)