
Andromeda ii是什么意思 Andromeda ii的读音、翻译、用法

‘Andromeda ii’是英语词语,中文翻译为“仙女座二号”。Andromeda ii是一个天体物理学中一个星系的名称,属于仙女座矮星系。这个星系是一个棕矮星和红巨星的聚集体,距离地球大约240万光年。它是一个研究星际介质和恒星形成的理想目标。

以下是9个含有’Andromeda ii’的例句:

1. ‘Andromeda ii’ is a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way.

(Andromeda ii是银河系的卫星星系。)

2. Scientists have been studying the properties of ‘Andromeda ii’ for decades.


3. The discovery of ‘Andromeda ii’ has expanded our understanding of the universe.


4. ‘Andromeda ii’ contains a large number of stars and gas clouds.


5. The observations of ‘Andromeda ii’ may provide insight into the formation of galaxies.


6. ‘Andromeda ii’ is located in the constellation of Andromeda.


7. The dwarf galaxy known as ‘Andromeda ii’ was first discovered in 1972.


8. The study of ‘Andromeda ii’ is a key area of research in astrophysics.


9. The deep images of ‘Andromeda ii’ reveal a complex structure and a rich stellar population.
