
光手用英语怎么说 光手的英语翻译

光手的英语可以这样说:laser surgery,还经常被译作flash mobbers,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到42个与光手相关的翻译和例句。


1. laser surgery

光手翻译为laser surgery。

Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia.


2. flash mobbers

光手翻译为flash mobbers。

Two rival laser surgery systems are undergoing clinical trials in the U.S.


3. laser cane

光手翻译为laser cane。

She’s had laser surgery on her eye.


4. eriphia sebana


1. laser cane(激光手杖)

2. laser surgery(激光手术)

3. eriphia sebana(光手酋妇蟹)

4. flash mobbers( 闪光手机)

5. solid laser operator(固体激光手术器)


laser surgery PAK Sight for Sore Eyes ( 激光手术 )

LASIK Hi-Safe LASIK ( 准分子激光手术 )

laser scalpel laser scalper ( 激光手术刀 )

ASCRS Refractive surgery ( 屈光手术 )

cold light operating lamp ( 冷光手术灯 )

fluorescent writing board led wirtting board ( 荧光手写板 )

Metered manual ( 测光手动 )

Moonlight Letter Moonlight Holograph Moonlight Personal Letter SHE ( 月光手札 )

laser operating apparatus ( 激光手术器 )

Polishing gloves ( 抛光手套 )


1. Advances in laser technology continue to make vision correction surgery more effective and accessible.

译文:激光手术的持续进步, 使得视力矫正手术更加高效和便利。

2. And lasers aren’t just correcting the three types of refractive errors – this technology can also restore aging eyes.

译文:激光手术不仅可以 矫正三类屈光不正, 这项技术还可以修复老花眼。

3. Get yourself contact lenses or something, laser eye treatment cos ody’s ever gonna take you seriously staring through those thick milk bottles.

译文:买副隐形眼镜什么的 或者做个激光手术 因为你戴着那么厚的瓶子底。

4. Then toss your UV grenades.


5. it’s impossible not be drawn to the views here, but i’ve just had laser surgery, and my eyes are quite sensitive.

译文:这里的景色我们是不可能被拒绝的, 刚做完眼科激光手术 我的眼睛,对光很敏感。

6. As beautiful now as the day i got botched laser eye surgery.


7. The vision of LASiK patients becomes blurry at high altitudes in the weeks following surgery, due to decreased atmospheric pressure.

译文:接受激光手术的患者 术后几周会因为高海拔地带 气压的降低而导致视力模糊。

8. Well, the Glow-in-the-Dark Flashlight, that was mine.

译文:夜光手电筒 那是我的发明。

9. Remember that time when you and Andrew were trying to flick those into each other’s mouths, and you hit him in the eye, and he got a cataract from the trauma, and had to get laser surgery?

译文:记不记得那次你和Andrew 想把这个扔进对方嘴里 你打到他眼睛 他受伤导致白内障 不得不去做激光手术。

10. Could you put your hand up if you wear gl or contact lenses, or you’ve had laser refractive surgery?

译文:戴眼镜或隐形眼镜的请举手 或者做过激光屈光手术的。

11. if Szeto gets that land… not wanting trouble, the government… will ask us to handle it peacefully

译文:如果地皮落在司徒光手上 不想多生事端 一定会让我们息事宁人。

12. it’s kind of like a starfish but it likes to use these sea whips as a base because it’s a filter feeder.

译文:要是能看到一只的话 我就会感到惊讶的 你的强光手电筒真厉害。

13. i’ll give you one minute. shoot accurately at the assigned targets.

译文:从现在开始 给你们一分钟的时间 用光手里所有的 对准目标准确射击 -开始。

14. Could you put your hand up if you wear gl or contact lenses, or you’ve had laser refractive surgery?

译文:戴眼镜或隐形眼镜的请举手 或者做过激光屈光手术的。

15. You’ll burn through the rest of your runway, no one will step in, then you’ll go bust.

译文:你会花光手头的钱 You’ll burn through the rest of your runway, 没人给钱 你们破产 no one will step in, then you’ll go bust.。