red harring是什么意思 red harring的中文翻译、读音、例句
red harring在中文中有”网络”的意思,在日常中也代表”红鲱”的意思,发音音标为[redharring],red harring来源于英语,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到43个与red harring相关的句子。
Red harring的中文翻译
例句:Ellis, your feet are all red! (your feet are all red!)
例句:We have your silver, We caught the man red-handed! (We caught the man red -handed!)
red harring一般作为名词使用,如在harring([网络] 赫利;哈瑞顿;哈英)、Harring.([网络] 赫利;哈瑞顿;哈英)、in red(穿红衣)等常见短语中出现较多。
harring | [网络] 赫利;哈瑞顿;哈英 |
Harring. | [网络] 赫利;哈瑞顿;哈英 |
in red | 穿红衣 |
in the red | [经] 赤字, 亏损 |
into the red | [英国英语]负债;财政情况欠佳 |
the red | [网络] 红领巾侠;裴涩琪;红色的 |
direct red | [医] 直接红, 刚果红 |
dirty red | 暗红色 |
Doctor Red | 火警呼叫 |
1. Dog Patch Red to Yellow Kid. (翻译:Dog Patch Red呼叫Yellow Kid.)
2. Well, I guess even Red will be a step up for you. (翻译:I guess even Red will be a step up for you.)
3. Brought to you courtesy Of the red, white and blue (翻译:Brought to you courtesy Of the red, white and blue)
4. – He went in there to get his money. (翻译:- Where is Red? – He went in there to get his money.)
5. See the red eye of the scorpion, – the spread wings of the eagle, – (翻译:See the red eye of the scorpion the spread wings of the eagle)
6. And the red, red rosy tree (翻译:# 还有一棵红红的玫瑰树 # # And the red, red rosy tree #)
7. Red Impala, two lanes left. (翻译:Red impala, two lanes left.)
8. Roses too ♪ ♪I see them bloom for me and (翻译:♪Red roses too♪ ♪I see them bloom♪)
9. No red and yellow, no red and yellow. (翻译:没有红和黄 No red and yellow, 没有红和黄 No red and yellow.)
10. Red, White and Blue Day is tomorrow! (翻译:Red, White and Blue Day is tomorrow!)
11. Oh, we played us some red and black. (翻译:Oh, we played us some red and black.)
12. We must cut through the red tape. (翻译:We must cut through the red tape.)
13. Infra-red scanners and stuff like that. (翻译:Infra -red scanners and stuff like that.)
14. Is a big star, red and the aest fit of (翻译:red and the aest fit of)
15. ♫ Red or green or blue til I met you ? (翻译:Red or gree or blue til I met you)