
Bouteloua gracilis是什么意思 Bouteloua gracilis的读音、翻译、用法

‘Bouteloua gracilis’是拉丁语,中文翻译为纤细扁穗草。它是一种耐旱、耐寒、耐贫瘠的草本植物,分布在北美的大草原、山地和干旱地区,具有极强的生命力和适应性。它被广泛用于草原修复、牧草种植、抗旱防沙、固土保水等多个领域。

以下是含有’Bouteloua gracilis’的9个例句:

1. The ‘Bouteloua gracilis’ is an important species for the restoration of degraded grasslands.(纤细扁穗草是修复退化草原的重要物种。)

2. ‘Bouteloua gracilis’ is well adapted to drought and low fertility soils.(纤细扁穗草适应干旱和贫瘠土壤。)

3. The leaves of ‘Bouteloua gracilis’ are narrow and rolled, which reduces water loss.(纤细扁穗草的叶子狭长卷曲,减少水分损失。)

4. ‘Bouteloua gracilis’ is an important forage grass for livestock in the Great Plains.(纤细扁穗草是大平原地区重要的牲畜饲料草。)

5. The seeds of ‘Bouteloua gracilis’ are small and can be easily dispersed by wind.(纤细扁穗草的很小,容易被风吹散。)

6. ‘Bouteloua gracilis’ can be used for erosion control and soil stabilization on slopes.(纤细扁穗草可用于坡面防蚀和土壤固结。)

7. The roots of ‘Bouteloua gracilis’ are deep and can extract water from deep soil layers.(纤细扁穗草的根系深入土壤层,可以获取深层水分。)

8. ‘Bouteloua gracilis’ is an important component of grassland ecosystems and provides habitat for many wildlife species.(纤细扁穗草是草地生态系统的重要组成部分,为许多野生动物提供栖息地。)

9. ‘Bouteloua gracilis’ is a low-maintenance grass that requires little water and fertilizers.(纤细扁穗草是一种低维护成本的草,不需要大量的水和肥料。)