
Robert Grubbs是什么意思 Robert Grubbs的读音、翻译、用法

Robert Grubbs这个词语来源于英语,他是一位美国化学家,曾获得xx年度诺贝尔化学奖,主要研究领域是有机合成化学。常见翻译为罗伯特·格鲁布斯。

以下是9个包含Robert Grubbs的英语例句:

1. Robert Grubbs won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2005 for his work in metathesis reactions.(罗伯特·格鲁布斯因在开环聚合反应研究中的成果,于xx年获得了诺贝尔化学奖。)

2. Robert Grubbs is a professor of chemistry at the California Institute of Technology.(罗伯特·格鲁布斯是加州理工学院的化学教授。)

3. The Grubbs catalyst is named after Robert Grubbs and is widely used in organic synthesis.(格鲁布斯催化剂以罗伯特·格鲁布斯的名字命名,被广泛用于有机合成中。)

4. Robert Grubbs was born in Kentucky in 1942.(罗伯特·格鲁布斯于xx年出生在肯塔基州。)

5. Robert Grubbs has autd over 900 scientific publications.(罗伯特·格鲁布斯已经发表了超过900篇科学论文。)

6. The Grubbs reaction was discovered by Robert Grubbs in the 1990s.(格鲁布斯反应是在xx年代由罗伯特·格鲁布斯发现的。)

7. Robert Grubbs has received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to chemistry.(罗伯特·格鲁布斯因其对化学的贡献,获得了许多奖项和荣誉。)

8. The Grubbs-Hoveyda olefin metathesis reaction was developed by Robert Grubbs and Richard R. Hoveyda.(格鲁布斯-霍维达烯烃开环聚合反应是由罗伯特·格鲁布斯和理查德·R·霍维达发明的。)

9. Robert Grubbs is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.(罗伯特·格鲁布斯是美国国家科学院和美国艺术科学院的成员。)