
phleocidin是什么意思 phleocidin的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Israel is a new-born calf, Leo. Still struggling to its feet. (以色列是只初生牛犊 Leo 还在蹒跚学步)


1. My mom and Leo, your family, our friends. (翻译:我妈妈 Leo 你的家人 还有我们的朋友)

2. Creating actual source code out of a Leo project, or importing it thereto, is done by tangling and untangling the project. (翻译:可以通过tangling和untangling工程来在Leo工程外部创建实际的源代码,或者将其导入到Leo工程。)

3. Yeah, Leo and Eddie had to take him out. (翻译:Yeah, Leo and Eddie 当时带他出去了.)

4. Detective Chief Superintendent Mary Bull, CID. (翻译:我是刑事厅的高级刑侦主管Mary Bull)

5. This is a Milton Fruchtman production, directed by Leo Hurwitz. (翻译:不 这是Milton Fruchtman制片 Leo Hurwitz执导的)

6. This is Matt Berlin interacting with Leo, introducing Leo to a new object. (翻译:这是迈特·柏林正在和里昂纳多互动, 向里昂介绍一种新的物体。)

7. (Laughter) And you flip it over, and it’s the amino acids with the pH at which they have different charges. (翻译:把它翻过来,是带有PH值的氨基酸 不同的PH值下带有不同的电荷。)

8. CID 159, we were there before, 201 Cypress. (翻译:159. 我们在去… 西普利斯大街201号的路上)

9. Leo Corrigan, Pops’ right hand man. (翻译:Leo Corrigan, 鲍勃的心腹.)

10. Kukushkin was A disinformation agent Sent to frame Leo, And Leo is innocent. (翻译:那么库库什金给我们的就是假情报 目的是陷害里奥)

11. And you intended to move to another country with telling your parents, Leo? (翻译:你打算不告诉你父母就 搬到别的国家 Leo)

12. Now, over here, they’re measuring the pH levels. (翻译:现在,在这里, 他们正在测量的pH水平。)

13. The rows can be identified by cid values 1000 and 1001, respectively. (翻译:表中包含两行数据,分别由cid值1000和1001标识。)

14. Sir, I’m CID5798, I’m sent here to cooperate with you. (翻译:周SIR,我是CID5798, 我是派来接应你的)

15. Leo Katcher for The Eddy Duchin Story, (翻译:Leo Katcher for The Eddy Duchin Story,)