
insinuation是什么意思 insinuation的读音、翻译、用法



1. She made an insinuation that he was cheating. (她暗示他在作弊。)

2. He made an insinuation against his coworker. (他针对同事做出了含沙射影的暗示。)

3. The politician’s insinuation was clear to everyone. (家的暗示对每个人都很明显。)

4. She was offended by the insinuation that she couldn’t do her job. (她对暗示她干不好工作感到很生气。)

5. His insinuation that she was stupid hurt her feelings. (他的暗示使她感到很受伤,因为他在暗示她很愚蠢。)

6. The teacher’s insinuation that she was cheating was unfair. (老师对她作弊的暗示是不公平的。)

7. His insinuation that she was too old for the job was ageist. (他暗示她年龄太大,不适合这份工作,这是种族歧视。)

8. The insinuation in his tone was utakable. (他的语气中的含沙射影是不容置疑的。)

9. The insinuation of corruption in the company led to an investigation. (公司内部的暗示导致了调查。)