
partition functional是什么意思 partition functional的中文翻译、读音、例句

partition functional通常被翻译为”配分泛函”的意思,作为名词时有”配分泛函”的意思,读音为[partitionfunctional],partition functional在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到65个与partition functional相关的例句。

Partition functional的翻译


例句:Logical partition identity-lpi register. (逻辑分区标识——LPI寄存器。)


partition functional一般作为名词使用,如在functional partition(功能划分)、functional partition method(功能划分法)、to partition([网络] 分区对分区完全拷贝;分区到分区的复制;分区对分区拷贝)等常见短语中出现较多。

functional partition 功能划分
functional partition method 功能划分法
to partition [网络] 分区对分区完全拷贝;分区到分区的复制;分区对分区拷贝
functional ①功能的②函数的
directory partition 目录划分
double partition 双层隔墙
DOS partition [网络] 分区
dividing partition 水隔板;进水花墙
disk partition 磁盘分区\n[计] 磁盘分区


1. How do you see the functional relevance between f and f’? (翻译:f和f1之间有何函数关系? How do you see the functional relations between f and ff?)

2. The functional area switcher offers application icons for the main Lotus iNotes functional areas. (翻译:功能区转换开关为主 Lotus iNotes 功能区提供了应用程序图标。)

3. How you see the functional relevance between f and f’…? (翻译:请你告诉我f和f1间的函数关系 How you see the functional relations between f and ff,)

4. A major restriction of the physical partition was that each partition had to be contiguous; meaning you could not span multiple drives. (翻译:物理分区的主要限制在于每个分区必须是连续的;这意味着不能跨多个驱动器。)

5. They hit something and you slam into that plastic partition. (翻译:可能撞到了什么 他整个人撞上了中间的防弹板)

6. So, designers sometimes don’t do things that are immediately functional, but they’re functional to our understanding of issues. (翻译:你知道,设计家们有时并不制作一些有即刻功能性的事物, 但是他们对于我们对事物的理解力却非常有用。)

7. I determined that this state’s equipment was not functional, this state’s equipment was not functional. (翻译:这州的设备不能很好工作,那个州的设备也不行)

8. Both science and ShengJin booking partition. (翻译:预订的分区既科学又省劲。)

9. System does not know of the existence of that partition or device. (翻译:否则系统是不会知道这个分区或设备的存在的。)

10. We only need to agree on the partition of the colonies. (翻译:现在我们只要在殖民地分割上达成一致即可.)

11. And the dream of functional neurosurgeons is to repair the brain. (翻译:而功能性神经外科医生希望有朝xx日 能够修复受损的大脑。)

12. Partition selected is not startable, active partition not changed (翻译:输入的分区不可启动,当前的活动分区没有被改变)

13. I could see there was no one in my line of fire, so I fired at a partition. (翻译:我看到没人在我开火的方向上 I could see there was no one in my line of fire, 因此我对着一个隔间开枪了 so I fired at a partition.)

14. XSLT is a functional language. (翻译:XSLT 是一种功能 语言。)

15. All SSID does is partition traffic to a particular network. (翻译:SSID所做的一切就是将流量划分到一个特殊网络。)