
regulatory filing是什么意思 regulatory filing的中文翻译、读音、例句

regulatory filing通常被翻译为”监管的文件”的意思,还经常被翻译为监管的文件,发音音标为[regulatoryfiling],regulatory filing在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到41个与regulatory filing相关的例句。

Regulatory filing的中文翻译


例句:They expect a regulatory backlash that will crimp returns. (他们预计将会出现一个对盈利进行限制的监管反弹。)


regulatory filing一般作为名词使用,如在filing(n. 锉, 琢磨, 锉屑\n[计] 编档; 文件编排)、filing for(申请)、regulatory(管制的 )等常见短语中出现较多。

filing n. 锉, 琢磨, 锉屑\n[计] 编档; 文件编排
filing for 申请
regulatory 管制的
dual filing [网络] 双重存档制度;双重呈报规定
e filing [网络] 电子申报;报税;电子报税
Edge Filing 边缘填充
draw filing 细锉(法),精锉(法)
electronic filing 电子存档技术
filing area [计] 编档项


1. The filing noted that Perella Weinberg acted as a subadvisor to Olympus’ acquisition of Gyrus. (翻译:该档案显示佩雷拉温伯格公司也在奥林巴斯收购Gyrus一案中扮演了二级顾问的角色。)

2. And every Congressional staffer watches filing day like a hawk. (翻译:国会的每一位工作人员 And every Congressional staffer)

3. I plan on filing my report as soon as the mission is over, as usual. (翻译:我打算这个任务一结束就填 {\3cH000000}I plan on filing my report)

4. Remind me of that when I’m filing for bankruptcy. (翻译:是啊 我申请破产的时候 别忘了提醒我这点)

5. The intercellular regulatory mechanisms especially for proliferation and differentiation. (翻译:细胞与细胞之间 通常都有一种构造 专司控制细胞增生及区别彼此)

6. Along each wall stretched uniform green metal filing cabinets. (翻译:沿每堵墙摆放着清一色的绿色金属档案柜。)

7. The only difference was, their mistakes were in the secret filing cabinets. (翻译:唯一的不同就是 他们的错误被藏在秘密的档案阁里)

8. If not, Dynegy may find itself filing for a more traditional sort of bankruptcy. (翻译:如果这两个条件都达不到,达力智可能需要一种更传统的破产方式了。)

9. Subject to regulatory approval, the deal is expected to be completed by midyear. (翻译:如果得到监管机构的批准,这笔交易预计在今年年中会完成。)

10. At least four of them are filing lawsuits against the Commissioner. (翻译:现在起码有四名伤者 要起诉我们警务处处长)

11. But capital is the only civilised option left in the regulatory toolbox. (翻译:但是资本是监管工具盒里剩下的唯一文明的选择。)

12. Compliance with numerous regulatory and industry mandates. (翻译:大量的法规和行业规定的遵从性。)

13. I deserve censure for this far more than for any filing irregularity. (翻译:比起什么填写文档的违规行为 I deserve censure for this 我更愿意因为这些事而受到惩责 far more than for any filing irregularity.)

14. Filing a petition down at the courts. (翻译:向法院写申请书 {\3cH202020}Filing a petition down at the courts.)

15. He is weighing the possibility of filing criminal charges against the doctor. (翻译:他在权衡向这位医生提起刑事诉讼的可能性。)