
sedimentation compartment是什么意思 sedimentation compartment的中文翻译、读音

sedimentation compartment通常被翻译为”沈淀室”的意思,其次还有”沈淀室”的意思,发音是[sedimentationcompartment],sedimentation compartment在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到69个与sedimentation compartment相关的句子。

Sedimentation compartment的释义


例句:To the ‘ordinary carriage’. (不是知识青年的去第二个车厢 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Those who are not young intellectuals go to the next compartment please!)


sedimentation compartment一般作为名词使用,如在sedimentation(沉积 )、compartment(分隔 )、differential sedimentation(差示沉降)等常见短语中出现较多。

sedimentation 沉积
compartment 分隔
differential sedimentation 差示沉降
environment of sedimentation 沉积环境
epeirogenic sedimentation 造陆沉积
epicontinental sedimentation 浅海沉积;陆缘沉积
erythrocyte sedimentation [医] 红细胞沉降, 血沉
estuary sedimentation [水利] 河口淤积
final sedimentation 最终沉淀


1. During the late consolidation stage of sedimentation , mineralized solution are squeezed into fractures. (翻译:在沉积物固结的晚期,矿化溶液渗入到裂隙中。)

2. The readings are rising in every compartment now. (翻译:船长? 什么事? 现在各个船舱读数都在上升)

3. For the different compartments of Baffled Reactor in test, the compartment of best COD degradation are compartment 1th and 2th. (翻译:对于试验中的反应器沿程不同隔室,降解COD的最佳隔室为第1、2隔室;)

4. The BSRs are distributed over the accretionary wedge, clearly controlled by tectonic and sedimentation conditions. (翻译:BSR分布于增生楔部位,受区域构造沉积条件控制明显。)

5. Experiments proved that its coagu-flocculation sedimentation effect is far superior to that of the tradition. (翻译:试验也证明:在上述条件下,其混凝沉降效果大大优于传统的混凝沉降效果。)

6. Soft Ground Sedimentation Observation and Sedimentation Factors Analysis for Tieshan Port Bridge Ends (翻译:铁山港大桥桥头地段软基沉降观测与沉降系数分析)

7. Securely in the overhead luggage compartment or under the seat in front of you. (翻译:安全的放入头顶隔间… 或者放在前方座位下…)

8. The old man in our compartment saw a boy… (翻译:我们车厢的一个老人 看见窗外 有个男孩在放牧)

9. I don’t know Fuser, fat sedimentation it could be a cyst (翻译:我不太懂,福瑟, 会不会是脂肪沉淀引起的囊肿?)

10. There’s a secret compartment, but she’s not in it. It’s empty. (翻译:这有一个秘密的隔间 但她不在里面,这是空的)

11. Chronic severe hepatitis has direct influence on the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. (翻译:慢性重型肝炎对红细胞沉降率有直接的影响。)

12. All the peasants are squeezing into our carriage. We’ll have to sleep standing up. (翻译:农民全上了我们的车厢 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Peasants are squeezing into our compartment)

13. Infrasonic is caused by closed automobile compartment or cabin in vibration. (翻译:次声产生于关闭的汽车车厢里或在振动的舱里。)

14. The fire started in the baggage compartment. (翻译:火是从行李舱着起来的。)

15. “1924. I found a plank in secret desk compartment. (翻译:xx年 我在一个秘密抽屉里发现一块木板)