
Gnetales是什么意思 Gnetales的读音、翻译、用法





1. The diversity of Gnetales is surprising.(Gnetales的多样性令人惊讶。)

2. Some species of Gnetales have medicinal uses.(Gnetales的一些物种具有药用价值。)

3. The evolutionary history of Gnetales is still unclear.(Gnetales的进化历史还不清楚。)

4. Gnetales are a unique group of gymnosperms.(Gnetales是一类特殊的裸子植物。)

5. The fossil record of Gnetales suggests they were more diverse in the past.(Gnetales的化石记录表明它们在过去更加多样化。)

6. The anatomy of Gnetales is different from that of other gymnosperms.(Gnetales的解剖结构与其他裸子植物不同。)

7. The seeds of Gnetales are enclosed in a fleshy, fruit-like structure.(Gnetales的被包裹在一个果实般的肉质结构中。)

8. Some members of Gnetales are restricted to certain geographic regions.(Gnetales的一些成员分布范围受到地理环境的限制。)

9. The exact relationship between Gnetales and other gymnosperms is still being studied.(Gnetales与其他裸子植物之间的确切关系仍在研究中。)