regeneration plant是什么意思 regeneration plant的中文翻译、读音、例句
regeneration plant通常被翻译为”再生植株”的意思,作为名词时有”再生植株”的意思,在线发音:[rɪˌdʒenəˈreɪʃən plɑ:nt],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到81个与regeneration plant相关的例句。
Regeneration plant的词典翻译
例句:And plant gps tracking software so that we can find out (植入定位追踪软件 好查明 and plant GPS tracking software so that we can find out)
regeneration plant一般作为名词使用,如在regeneration(再生 )、direction of regeneration(更新方向)、downflow regeneration(流再生)等常见短语中出现较多。
regeneration | 再生 |
direction of regeneration | 更新方向 |
downflow regeneration | 流再生 |
electric regeneration | 再生 |
electrolytic regeneration | 电解再生 |
efficiency of regeneration | 热系数 |
energy regeneration | 能量再生 |
external regeneration | 外再生 |
facultative regeneration | [医] 非必然再生 |
1. With this idea in mind, I created Power Plant. (翻译:带着脑海中的这些想法, 我创建了 Power Plant。)
2. Strategies for promoting hematal regeneration of ischemic cerebrovascular diseases (翻译:中医药促进缺血性脑血管病血管再生的思路与方法)
3. The Function of Nogo Protein and NgR in the Regeneration of Central Nervous System (翻译:Nogo蛋白及其受体在中枢神经再生中的作用)
4. Grimoire of the Master: +60 Mana, +6 Mana Regeneration. (翻译:大师魔法书:魔法值加60,恢复速度加6。)
5. According to our version, the water needed for the regeneration of the object. (翻译:根据我们的观察 水对不明物体的恢复重生十分重要)
6. Study on In Vitro Culture and Plant Regeneration in Citrus Reticulata Blanco Epicotyl; (翻译:以雪柑实生苗上胚轴为材料,建立了高效离体培养再生体系。)
7. Vermiculite was the optimum medium for Rieger Begonia micropropagation in vitro, the survive rate of the root regeneration plant was 93.8%. (翻译:蛭石是丽佳秋海棠试管苗最佳的驯化移栽基质,其生根苗移栽成活率达到了93。8%。)
8. For maintenance of the antioxidative activity of ascorbate, its regeneration is necessary. (翻译:为了维持抗坏血酸的抗氧化活力,它的再生就显得尤为重要。)
9. Several factors on affecting rabbiteye blueberry bud induction, differentiation and plant regeneration were studied. (翻译:利用组织培养方法研究了影响兔眼越橘芽诱导、芽增殖及其植株再生的主要因素。)
10. – Cryogenic plant coming on line. (翻译:冷却系统已经启动 Cryogenic plant coming on line, Captain.)
11. Effect of ciliary neurotrophic factor on the regeneration of transected peripheral nerve (翻译:睫状神经营养因子对周围神经损伤后再生的影响)
12. This plant may have been dead for 100 years. Yet its name suggests that all is not lost, for this is a resurrection plant. (翻译:它可能已经死去了xx年 {\3cH202020}This plant may have been dead for 100 years. 因为它是一株复活植物 {\3cH202020}for this is a resurrection plant.)
13. Stump Treatments Influence on Regeneration of Black Locust Coppice (翻译:伐桩不同处理对山地刺槐无性更新影响的研究)
14. Effect on Existing and Regeneration of Dugesia Japonica by Potential Hydrogen Changes (翻译:酸碱度变化对日本三角涡虫生存及再生的影响)
15. Objective To study the relationship between Haversian remodeling and bone regeneration in guided bone regeneration(GBR). (翻译:目的观察研究引导性骨再生模型中皮质骨内哈弗系统再建及其作用。)