
Antiprisma hexagonal是什么意思 Antiprisma hexagonal的读音、翻译、用法

‘Antiprisma hexagonal’是英语单词,中文翻译为“六角反面棱柱”。它是一个几何图形,由两个六边形棱柱通过共享一个六边形面而组成。这个词语通常出现在数学或几何领域的文献中。

以下是9个含有’Antiprisma hexagonal’的例句:

1. The antiprism hexagonal is a polyhedron with 12 faces, 24 edges and 14 vertices.(六角反面棱柱是一个有12个面、24条边和14个顶点的多面体。)

2. The antiprism hexagonal can be obtained as a convex hull of two symmetry related truncated tetrahedra.(六角反面棱柱可以通过两个对称相关的截角四面体的凸包得到。)

3. In crystallography, the antiprism hexagonal is related to certain crystal structures, such as the beryl crystal.(在晶体学中,六角反面棱柱与某些晶体结构相关,如绿柱石晶体。)

4. The antiprism hexagonal is a semi-regular polyhedron, which means that all faces are regular polygons and all vertices have the same valence.(六角反面棱柱是一个半规则多面体,这意味着所有面都是正多边形,所有顶点度数相同。)

5. The antiprism hexagonal can be seen as a truncated prism, where the top and bottom vertices have been removed.(六角反面棱柱可以看作是一个已截角的棱柱,其中顶部和底部的顶点已被移除。)

6. The antiprism hexagonal is one of the Archimedean solids, which are a group of 13 convex polyhedra that have regular faces but not necessarily regular vertices.(六角反面棱柱是阿基米德立体的一种,阿基米德立体是13种凸多面体的组合,它们有规则的面,但不一定有规则的顶点。)

7. The antiprism hexagonal has mirror symmetry and belongs to the 6mm point group.(六角反面棱柱具有镜面对称性,属于6mm点群。)

8. The antiprism hexagonal can be used to model certain protein structures, such as the beta-barrel membrane protein.(六角反面棱柱可以用于模拟某些蛋白质结构,如β桶状膜蛋白。)

9. The antiprism hexagonal is named after its two hexagonal faces that form an antiprism, which is a polyhedron consisting of two congruent and parallel polygons, and two sets of equidistant vertices connecting them.(六角反面棱柱以其两个六边形面命名,它们形成了一个反棱柱,反棱柱是一个由两个全等和平行的多边形和两组连接它们的等距顶点组成的多面体。)