


anewcommoditybringsaboutahighlyprofitable,fast-growing industry,urgulatorstostepintocheckthosewhoct theresourceinquestionwasoil.nowsimilarconcernsarebeingraisedbythegiants (大型) that deal in data,theoilofthedigitalage.themon

schsituationshaveledtocallsforthetechgiantstobebrokenup.butsizealoneisnotacrime.the giants’successhasbenefitedconsumers wars aquickdelivery、farfromchargingconsumershighprices、manyoftheseservicesarefree、in effect、by handing over yet more data、andthand

butthereiscauseforconcern.theinternethasmadedataabundant,all-present and far more valuable, changingthenatureofdataandcompetition.googleinitiallyusedthedatacollectedfromuserstotargetadvertisingbetter.butrececenttlyitttter eturnedintonewservices:translationandvisualrecognition,tobesoldtoothercompanies.internet controlofdatagivesthon

thisnatureofdatamakestheantitrustmeasuresofthepastlessuseful.breakingupfirmslikegoogleintofivesmalloneswouldnotststopremakingttopremakingtttttoremematinglesttttoremablingestttt ingtopremaking emselves: in time,oneofthemwouldbecomegreatagain.arethinkisrequired—andasanewapproachstartstobecomeapparened

thefirstisthatantitrustauthoritiesneedtomoveformtheindustrialageintothe 21st century.whenconsideringamerger (合并)、 for example theyhavetraditionallyusedsizetodeterminewhentostepin.theynowneedtotakeintoaccountttheextentoffirms’data asssets ( wata . thepurchasepricecouldalsobeasignalthatanestablishedcompanyisbuyinganew-born threat.when this place,especiallywhenanew-bew

The second principle is to loosen the control that providers of on-line services have over data and give more to

those who supply them. Companies could be forced to consumers what information they hold and how much

moneytheymakefromit.governmentscouldorderthesharingofcertainkindsofdata,with users’consent。


by a few giants, they must act soon.

1.Why is there a call to break up giants?

A. They have controlled the data market. B. They collect enormous private data.

C. They no longer provide free services. D. They dismissed some new-born giants.

2.What does the technological innovation in Paragraph 3 indicate?

a.data giants’technologyisveryexpensive.b.Google’sideaispopularamongdatafirms

c.datacanstrengthengiants’controlling position.d.datacanbeturnedintonewservicesorproducts

3.bypayingattentiontofirms’data assets,antitrust regulators could _______。

A. kill a new threat B. avoid the size trap

C. favour bigger firms D. charge higher prices

4.whatisthepurposeoflooseningthegiants’controlo fdata?

A. Big companies could relieve data security pressure. B. Governments could relieve their financial pressure.

C. Consumers could better protect their privacy. D. Small companies could get more opportunities.



ifyouwanttodisturbthecarindustry,you’dbetterhaveafewbilliondollars:mom-and-popcarmakersareunlikelytobeattthebiggestcars smallfarmerscangetthebestofthemajorplayers.byconnectingdirectlywithcustomers、 生态系统,andbyrespondingquicklytochangesinthemarketsaswellasintheecosystems, smallfarmerscankeeponestepaheadofthebigguys.ast heco-founderofthenationalyoungfarmerscoalition (美国青年农会) ihaveafront-rowseattotheinnovationsamongsmallfarmersthataretransformingtheindustry。

For example、take the Quick Cut Greens Harvester、atooldevelopedjustacoupleofyearsagobyayoungfarmer、Jonathan Dysinger、 intennesssser withasmalloanfromalocalslowmoneygroup.itenablessmall-scalefarmerstoharvest 175 poundsofgreeeenvetablesperhour gjustafewdozenpoundsbyhand—suddenlymakingitpossibleforthelittleguystocompetewithlargefarmsofcalifornia.before ool came out、 smallfarmerscouldn’ttouchthepriceperpoundofferedbycaliforniafarms.but now,withthecombinationofabetterpricepointandagendagengenenenerararams

thesustainablesuccessofsmallfarmers,though, won’thappenwithoutfundamentalchangestotheindustry.onecrucialfactorissecureaccesstoland.competitionfrominvestors, developers andestablishedlargefarmersmakesowningone’sownlandunattainableformanynewfarmers。

From 2004 to 2013, agricultural land values doubled, and they continue to rise in many regions.

anotherchallengeformorethanamillionofthemostqualifiedfarmworkersandmanagersisanon-existentpathtocitizenship-thegreateatestestestbarestbarestbared withfarmersovertheageof 65 out numbering (以上) farmers younger than 35 by six to one,andwithtwo-thirdsofthenation’sfarmlandinnnneeedon wemustclearthepathfortalentedpeoplewillingtogrowthenation’sfoortalentedpeoplewillingtogrowthenation’sfoor

therearesolutionsthatcouldlightapathtowardamoresustainableandfairfarmeconomy、 butfarmerscan’tclumsilyputthemtogetherbeforeus.weatthenyfcneedbroadsupportasweurgecongresstoincreasefarmlandconservation, as we push for immigration reform, andasweseekpoliciesthatwillensurethesuccessofadiverseandambitiousnextgenerationoffarmsfromallbackgrounds.withanewfarmbillto

5. The author mentions car industry at the beginning of the passage to introduce _______.

A. the progress made in car industry B. a special feature of agriculture

C. a trend of development in agriculture D. the importance of investing in car industry

6. What does the author want to illustrate with the example in paragraph 2 ?

A. Loans to small local farmers are necessary.

B. Technology is vital for agricultural development.

C. Competition between small and big farms is fierce

D. Small farmers may gain some advantages over big ones.

7. What is the difficulty for those new famers?

A. To gain more financial aid. B. To hire good farm managers.


8. What should farmers do for a more sustainable and fair farm economy?

A. Seek support beyond NYFC. B. Expand farmland conservation.

C. Become members of NYFC. D. Invest more to improve technology.


Before birth, biescantellthedifferencebetweenloudsoundsandvoices.theycanevendistinguishtheirmother’svoicefromthafafemalestranger.beme nic learning,birdscouldruletheroost.asrecentlyreportedintheauk:ornithologicaladvances, somemotherbirdsmayteachtheiryoungtosingevenbeforetheyhatch (孵化).new-bornchickscanthenimitatetheirmom’scallwithinafewdayoungewdaydaytch

thiseducationalmethodwasfirstobservedin 2012 bysoniakieindorfer,abiologistatflindersuniversityinsouthaustralia, andhercolleagues.femaleaustraliansuperbfairywrenswerefoundtorepeatonesoundoveragainwhilehatchingtheirers,when the eree thebabybirdsmadethesimilarchirptotheirmothers—aroundthatservedastheirregular“feed me! ”呼叫。

To find out if the special quality was more widespread in birds, the researchers sought the red-backed fairy wren, another species of Australian songbird. First they collected sound data from 67 nests in four sites in Queensland before and after hatching. Then they identified begging calls by analyzing the order and number of notes. A computer analysis blindly compared calls produced by mothers and chicks, ranking them by similarity.

itturnsoutthatbabyred-backedfairywrensalsoemergechirpingliketheirmoms.andthemorefrequentlymothershadcalledtotheirers、 themoresimilarwerethebabies’begging calls.in addition,theteamsetupaseparateeexperimentthatsugestedthatthebabbybirdsthatmosttmostttthatttttttexpexpebattttttttttttemored

thisobservationhintsthateffectiveembryoniclearningcouldsignalneurological strengthsofchildrentoparents.anevolutionaryinferencecanthenbedrawn.” asaparent,do you invest in quality children,ordoyouinvinvinvinvinvinves

9.theunderlinedphraseinparagraph1means“_ _ _ _”。

A. be the worst B. be the best C. be the as bad D. be just as good


A. Similarities between the calls of moms and chicks. B. The observation of fairy wrens across Australia.

c.thedatacollectedfromqueensland’s locals.d.controlledexperimentsonwrensandotherbirds。

11.Embryonic learning helps mother birds to identify the baby birds which _______.

A. can receive quality signals B. are in need of training

C. fit the environment better D. make the loudest call


watdopeopleintheoutsideworlddowhentheywanttolearnsomething? theygotosomebodywhoknowsaboutit,andas khim.theydonotgotosomebodywhoissupposedtoknowabouteverything– except,when they are otheirparents:andtheyspeedilybecomedissatisfiedwiththatvarietyofknowledge.theygotosomebodywhomightreasonablyexpectedtedtoknooooge treasonablyexpectedtok theparticularthingtheyareinterestedin,When a man buys a motor-car, hedoesnotsaytohimself :“wherecanifindsomebodywhocanteach ' hedoesnotlookinthetelephonedirectoryundert.hejustgetsanexperienened

But this case, of course, assumes an interest of the pupil in the subject, a willingness and even a desire to learn about it, a feeling that the matter is of some importance to himself. And come to think of it, these motives are generally present in the learning that goes on in the outside world. It is only in school that the pupil is expected to be unwilling to learn.

When you were a child、andpassedthedoorofthevillageblacksmith (铁匠) shop、and looked in、day after day、you admired his skill、 and sted andifhehadofferedtoletyoublowthebellowsforhimandshownyouhowtomakeared-hotpenny、 thatwouldhavebeenaproudmoment.itwouldalsohavebeenaneducationalone.butsupposetherehadbenanewshopsetupinthetown,andwhenyon 与suppose a bell rang just then,andthemanstoppedpaintingrightinthemiddleofabrush-stroke, andstartedtoreadaloud ” howtheybrouggg ” andsupposewhewashalfwaythrough,the bell rang again,and he said,' we will go on with the ' andStartedtochiseltheSurfaaaaid,' andstartedtochiselthesurfaid and then,after a little,somewhat exhaustedly,startedintoplop interruptingthetunetoorderyoutostandupstraightandnotwhispertothelittleboybesideyou.there ' snodoubtwhatyouldthinkofhim; youwouldknowperfectlywellthathewascrazy; people don ' tdothingsinthatwayanywhereintheworld,except in school。

And even if he had assured you that what were taught were later in your life going to be matters of the deepest importance and interest, and that you should start in now with the determination of becoming proficient in them, it would not have helped much. Not very much. It’s nonsense that children do not want to learn. Everybody wants to learn. And everybody wants to teach. And the process is going on all the time. All that is necessary is to put a person whoknows something—really knows it—within the curiosity-range of someone who doesn’t know it: the process begins at once, It is almost irresistible

If there were no teachers—no hastily and superficially trained Vestals who were supposed to know everything—but just ordinary human beings who knew passionately and thoroughly one thing and who had the patience to show little boys and girls how to do that thing—we might get along with our learning pretty well, Of course, we’d have to pay them more, because they could get other jobs out in the larger world; and besides, you couldn’t expect to get somebody who knows how to do something, for the price you are accustomed to pay those who only know how to

teach everything,

12. What does the author mainly want to say with this article?

A. An education without teachers is unimaginable,

B. A teacher who knows everything is more welcome,

C. School teachers are far from satisfactory and necessary,

D. We have paid too much for teachers for school education.

13. What does the underlined ‘somebody’ in the first paragraph refer to?

A. A teacher. B. A parent. C. A man in the outside world. D. A man like the blacksmith,

14. What happened in the ‘new shop’ mentioned in paragraph 3?

A. Useless subjects like painting and poetry, sculpture and music were taught.

B. The man at work became crazy with so many subjects to deal with.

C. One man teaching everything influenced the efficiency of learning.

D. Children listened carefully and often discussed about what is taught with others.

15. According to the author, which of the following can we infer?

A. Teachers are not as useful as parents in helping a child to learn,

B. Schools are the places killing students’ interest and willingness to learn,

C. Learning life related skills like blacksmithing is more important than arts.

D. Teachers are ordinary human beings who know thoroughly everything.

16.whichofthefollowingfiguresofspeech (修辞手法) are used in the article?

a. exemplification (例如: b. exaggeration (夸张) ) ) ) )。

c. personification (拟人化) d. irony (讽刺) e. analogy (类比) ) ) )。

A. abc B. ade C. bcd D. cde

17. In the last paragraph, the author mainly _______.

A. introduces a new idea B. raises a new question

C. gives some new evidence D. stresses his viewpoint