

一. where引导的句型1. where引导的定语从句例: thisisthehousewherehelivedlastyear .这就是他去年住的房子。

2.where引导的状语示例: He left his key where he could find .他把钥匙放在容易找到的地方。

3.where引导的表语从句示例: This is where you are wrong .这正是你的错误。

二、would rather句型1. would rather do sth. than do sth .不想做……例如: shewouldratherwatchtvathomethangotoseeafilm .她宁愿在家看电视

2. would rather have done sth .最好过去做……例: I would rather have taken his advice .我最好听从他的意见。

3. would rather sb. had done sth .最好有人过去做过一个事例: iwouldratherihadpassedtheexaminationlastweek .希望你能通过上周的考试。

三、until/not…until…句型1 .到until……时例: I waited until it got dark .等到天黑。

2.not.until…终于……例: thetrafficlawsdon’ttakeeffectuntiltheendoftheyear .交通法到年底为止还没有生效。

四、before句型1. before sb. can/could…有的人还来不及……例: Before I could get in a word,he had measured me .我还没来得及,他就让我

2. It will be时间before距离……还有多久……例: it will be4yearsbeforehegraduates .他再过四年就毕业了。

3.had done some time before (多长时间)……例如: wehadsailedfivedaysandfivenightsbeforewesawland .我们航行了五天五夜才见到陆地。

4.had not done .小于before .例: we hadn’trunamilebeforehefelttired .我们跑了不到一英里他就累了。

五.强调句型1. It is/was强调部分that(who ) .例如: itwasiwhowrotetomyuncleyesterday .昨天给叔叔写信的人是我。

2. Where/who/what/how等特别的疑问词is/was it that .例: howisitthatyouwillgotovisithertomorrow为什么你明天要去看她? 3. do/does/did谓词动词(

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