

你怎么说英语才是地道的? 论学校的几种英语词汇教学制度: education system。



九年制义务教育制度: nine-yearcompulsoryschoolingsystem。

注意: Compulsory英[kmplsri]美[kmplsri]adj .必须做的、义务的、强制n.(花样滑冰、竞技体操等)规定动作Compulsory education义务教育compulsory

Schooling英[skul]美[skul]n .学校教育; 学费; (马术)训练马在平地比赛(或跨越障碍) v .教育、培养; 训练、在家教育home Schooling ( school现在分词形式(【名】( schooling ) )人名)词组; 家庭学校; 在家上学; 家庭教育period of schooling研修年限; 学习期限; 接受年限Schooling and Education学校和教育; 学校教育; 学校和教育primaryschoolingbecameuniversalonlyinthe 1990 s .小学教育直到20世纪90年代才普及。

上学: go to school,attend school; 学前教育:学前教育; 小学学业: the primary school program; 初中学业: the junior middle-school program; 继续学业: further education; 通过:通过扩展; 入学考试: entrance examination; 高中: senior middle school; 中专:安全技术频道; 高考统考: gothroughthenationalcollegeentranceexamination; 大学入学: admission to universities; 3至6岁: aged from 3 to 6; 幼儿园: kindergarten; 最近: in their neighborhoods; 认字: learnthebasicsofthenativelanguage; 玩游戏:玩游戏; 小时候: from the early years真善美: truth、kindness、beauty国语: Chinese language; 初等算术: fundamental mathematics; 德育: moral education; 课外活动: extracurricular activities; 选修课: optional courses; 小学高年级: thesenioryearsofprimaryeducation; 中学: junior high school; 高中: senior high school; 历史: history; 地理: geography; 外语: foreign language; 体育:物理教育; 倡导: enthusiastically encourage; 理科: science subjects; 文科: humanity subjects; 文科学生: arts students; 理科考生: science students; 本科: undergraduate programs; 研究生: graduate; 短期大学: associate-degree programs。

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