
演算用英语怎么说 演算的英语翻译

演算用英语翻译为”calculation”,还网络中常译为”  lambda calculus”,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到87个与演算相关的短语翻译和用法。

16. stream routing(河流洪水演算;洪水演算)
domain relational calculus QBE ( 域关系演算 计 )
Tuple relational calculus ( 元组关系演算 )
Distributed Algorithm ( 分散式演算法 )
propositional calculus statement calculus calculus of proposition ( 命题演算 数 )
operational calculus ( 算符演算 )
16. i was actually figuring Happy for the body.
16. You’re the template he used to create this formula.
16. The only solution is to get the module.
16. C’mon, let’s get back to guarding the module.
16. Just as in the computer sims, correct?
16. it was the Administrative Vice-Minister who gave me the module.
16. Get the module into the vehicle!
16. “Zero, zero, decay rate algorithm.”
16. Analyze complete. Commencing computer support
16. These algorithms. What are they worth back on Earth?
16. We are simply mimicing what computer already told us.
16. i suppose they’ve become sort of parent figures for him.
16. And is your objective to retrieve the module?
16. You want what i have, the formula.
16. Step away from the module!