文采奕奕用英语怎么说 文采奕奕英语翻译
文采奕奕的英语翻译是”in good fettle”,在日常中也可以翻译为”literary grace”,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到33个与文采奕奕相关的短语释义和例句。
1. Try to get some sleep. You’ll want to look fresh for the parade tomorrow.
2. When you open your eyes, you’ll be completely feeling refreshed… and you won’t even remember anything that’s happened.
3. An intrepid governor, an erudite counselor.
4. Wow…that is i mean really great.
5. The six horse looks great. Got a shiny coat, that bouncy walk.
6. You do have poetic words Sir Cao
7. They look fit and rested. Wait a minute.
8. God, it’s so colourful. Everyone looks brilliant!
9. Why is there such a literary talent like you on this island?
10. Your mother had a poetic sensibility.
11. He looks great. Who’d have believed it?
12. Out, sword, and wound the pap of Pyramus.
13. ♪ i’ll polish till you sparkle Like a brand new pin ♪