数字手势用英语怎么说 数字手势英语翻译
数字手势的英语为”gesticulation”,还经常被译作hand signals,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到74个与数字手势相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. – You know what a click command is? – Yes, sir.
2. ideogramic ApS is a development house that specializes in gestural digitization and collaboration.
译文:Ideogramic ApS是一家专业从事手势数字化(gestural digitization)和协作开发公司。
3. Oh, look at that wrist action.
4. The sign language most commonly used in the U.S. is American Sign Language, sometimes called Ameslan or just Sign.
5. – And this repetitive gesture?
6. ideogramic ApS is a development house that specializes in gestural digitization and collaboration.
7. – That’s nice. – Smell the finger?
8. Marchand says numbers, gesticulates…
9. – Um, what gesture was that?
10. ignore him. Wait for my signal.
11. i gotta cue that. i gotta cue that.
12. For example, take the sign TO-LOOK-AT.
13. This is the sign for poop.
14. My hair was just like yours. Look what he did for me.