
断续用英语怎么说 断续的英语翻译

断续用英语翻译为”  Hiccup”,还经常被译作coherence -,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到51个与断续相关的译文和例句。

intermittent welding discontinuous welding intermittent weld ( 断续焊 )
intermittent weld stitch-and-seam welding ( 断续焊缝 )
IWC interrupted wave IWC interrupted waudio-videoe interrupted wave discontinuous wave ( 断续波 )
automatic interrupter self-interrupter autotrembler ( 自动断续器 电 )
1. The lifeline’s interrupted, all bits and pieces.
2. Hey, yeah, yeah. Barely, you’re cracking up.
3. i heard a series of faint cries.
4. Why does it keep cutting out?
5. Bits and pieces, not everything.
6. We use bottled water, uh, off and on. Split half and half.
7. Fragmentary print smudges. That’s all.
8. You’re… You’re breaking up.
9. He whines, he did not finish his sentences …
10. And broken rhythms in disrepair
11. i’m looking for that staccato feeling.
12. No matter if i will cry my eyes out
13. You’re breaking up. i can’t hear…
14. Kind of an off and on thing.
译文:断断续续的吧 Kind of an off and on thing.。

15. For a while she dozed fitfully.